Global Female Community


Global Female Community

Our purpose is to help you to develop yourself to the best of your abilities. Whether you want to improve yourself physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, etc… you will always find a course to support you climb a step further to the highest and best version of yourself.

Global Female Community


Global Female Community

Our purpose is to help you to develop yourself to the best of your abilities. Whether you want to improve yourself physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, etc… you will always find a course to support you climb a step further to the highest and best version of yourself.

A  Dream Came True

We always dreamed of a time when women would break free from the old concepts of female competition and come together, embracing their nature and sharing their knowledge and passion with one another.

 And to have a place where women could explore, learn, grow, prosper and heal one another. A place where we could integrate the diversity of what it really means TO BE A WOMEN.

Well, now here it is: an Internet Portal

Sharing our passion and knowledge from our heart to your heart, from woman to woman. A place where you are fully accepted and you can enjoy a deep exploration of your true nature.

Doors to the Feminine from International School for Women

Our Mission


A safe space

Our mission is to structure a safe place where women can come as they are, taking themselves into an adventure of passion by opening their hearts and expressing the wholeness of their true being. Because we believe that what we do for ourselves we do for all others

To be your true self

When a woman opens her heart and expresses her truth, her true self, she opens space to other women to do the same. That’s when the magic and healing begins to happen

And grow esponentially

We are committed to grow exponentially as we gather and integrate the different aspects, interests and wisdom which come from the feminine natural expression


Our Mission

A safe space

Our mission is to structure a safe place where women can come as they are, taking themselves into an adventure of passion by opening their hearts and expressing the wholeness of their true being. Because we believe that what we do for ourselves we do for all others

To be your true self

When a woman opens her heart and expresses her truth, her true self, she opens space to other women to do the same. That’s when the magic and healing begins to happen

And grow esponentially

We are committed to grow exponentially as we gather and integrate the different aspects, interests and wisdom which come from the feminine natural expression


Our Mission

A safe space

Our mission is to structure a safe place where women can come as they are, taking themselves into an adventure of passion by opening their hearts and expressing the wholeness of their true being. Because we believe that what we do for ourselves we do for all others

To be your true self

When a woman opens her heart and expresses her truth, her true self, she opens space to other women to do the same. That’s when the magic and healing begins to happen

And grow esponentially

We are committed to grow exponentially as we gather and integrate the different aspects, interests and wisdom which come from the feminine natural expression

Our Vision


We welcome women from all cultures, backgrounds, ages, race, etc Allowing women to learn more about how to be at peace with who they are and with others. Spreading their knowledge and wisdom with each and everyone, harmonizing relationships.

Our Vision


We welcome women from all cultures, backgrounds, ages, race, etc. Allowing women to learn more about how to be at peace with who they are and with others. Spreading their knowledge and wisdom with each and everyone, harmonizing relationships.

Our Values


To drop any resemblance of the old concepts of rivality, competition and comparison between women. And instead, enhance appreciation, motivation, inspiration and integration between them by safely holding space to the recognition of their uniqueness and individuality


When women come together in a place of full acceptance of which they are at every moment of time in, they ignite the infinite power, beauty and wisdom that already exist inside each of them.


We are a school of LOVE and / as INTEGRATION


The Founders


Andyara Amante (Prem Devi) is a holistic therapist that helps people to find out more about themselves through a diversity of self-knowledge tools and meditations which improve the quality of their personal self relationship as well as their relationship with others and life in general.She is the developer of the Meditation Theta Journey and Vibrational Frequencies and Sounds enhancing Healing. Sharing Yoga is always natural for her and her love for it drew her path as Heart of Living Yoga Teacher Trainer and Heart of Healing Teacher. Always ready to embrace and discover the natural path of Life in a free and playful way experiencing all senses of being alive, imagining and dreaming new possibilities, she is open and welcoming in supporting whoever is interested in self-discovery, self-knowledge and self-healing for the freedom of being who we really are!


Isa and Andyara have met through work in 2005 and their friendship and spiritual connection has just been enhancing since… Since 2017 they have organised live events together as an opportunity for their expressions and ways of engaging with life to overflow towards more and more people that resonate and search for authenticity. And how else could they continue to express themselves in this path if not by bringing their togetherness to this open and vast virtual world? Welcoming you to show up to your own self!


Isa Vieira ( Mumuksha) is a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an economist, a traveller, a dreamer, cofounder of this platform. She is a Heart of Living Teacher and a Practitioner of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Light Matrix and other techniques. And she loves to combine them all. She began her journey studying and practicing different kinds of therapies, meditation and personal development more than two decades ago. She was looking for someone or something that could "fix" her, until she understood that what she needed was space and self acceptance for her to "be". She has always suffered with her body image, and solved her eternal war with the scale and the mirror simply by using EFT combined with visualization. This was the turning point that led her to dedicate herself professionally to personal development. Today she loves helping women make peace with themselves, improve self-esteem, live their passion and have a less stressed life.

What we do

Upon knowing the passion of one another, we recognize the passion in us, we awake it in oneness. As we embrace our passion, we heal ourselves. And by doing this for ourselves, we do it for all other women.

As we follow our passions, without attachment to any outcome, we are in tune with the Universe, with divine love.

And in this moment, we recognize the Goddess within us, and enter the real flow of the Sacred Feminine.

Come join us in this path of self knowledge and self love.  Join

What we do

Upon knowing the passion of one another, we recognize the passion in us, we awake it in oneness. As we embrace our passion, we heal ourselves. And by doing this for ourselves, we do it for all other women.

As we follow our passions, without attachment to any outcome, we are in tune with the Universe, with divine love.

And in this moment, we recognize the Goddess within us, and enter the real flow of the Sacred Feminine.

Come join us in this path of self knowledge and self love.  Join

In this school we share

our passion from our heart
so we create a path of recognition
from every angle of the feminine

In this school we share

our passion from our heart
so we create a path of recognition
from every angle of the feminine


Social Projects

We have been supporting many projects leaded from women
all around the world since the 2018 through Heart of Living
Yoga Foundation and now with our school we want to share
the 10% of our ingross earnings with them to speed up their growth.
We also have in plan new projects to support the young
generations of women but also for creating a school just for men.
Take a deeper look at our Social Projects and future plans.

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