Worldwide Womb Blessing® Circles 2025

Meeting online four times a year at full moon with guided meditations to receive the blessing energies of the Divine Feminine.

Welcome! Come and gather online for the Sacred Feminine Meditation Day. There are four dates each year and I am delighted to be holding an online circle for each one. Come together to receive the blessing energies of the Divine Feminine within a loving community of thousands around the world. People connect in remotely from their own homes to this global network to awaken the authentic female energies and return to inner peace, love, wholeness and sacred union.

Receive deep female healing

Awaken sacred female empowerment

Welcome your inner joy, your light and love!

What if I have never meditated before?
Don't worry! Everything is guided and held. We will join in meditation through a beautiful visualisation, connect to the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth and share the group healing for that seasonal aspect of the year. All are welcome who feel called to join!

We are working with UK time for these live events.
Can't make the live? Why not join in anyway, register and get all the details at

Who is invited? 
A message from the community...
This invitation is to all women and to all who gender identify as female, to join us in walking an ongoing path of female energy awakening.

There is huge passion from women worldwide to include men in the Womb Blessing events, and a deep desire to see men grow in their authentic masculinity and be included as brothers as we all walk the path of Earth and Moon, love and light, together. Men are very welcome to join and will be held in this Divine Feminine energy and play a part as the guardian and champion of the feminine through their own guided meditation.

Worldwide Womb Blessing® Dates for 2025

February 12th   6 - 7.30pm

May 12th   5 - 6pm

August 9th   TBC

October 7th    TBC

I am excited and honoured to offer these circles online to come together in this beautiful energy. No experience is needed, everything is guided. Having a Moon Mother present is such a wonderful way to amplify and receive these blessings, and be fully supported and led, and I look forward to seeing you at one or all of the circles.

Hi! I am Jo. I am an experienced Moon Mother and trained with Miranda Gray over 10 years ago. I am a sacred space and circle holder. I have held full moon circles online and in person and as a level 2 practitioner I work with the Womb Blessing energies (in person and remotely) as well as Womb Healing, Female Soul Healing and Mentoring. I have more recently been working to embody the gifts of the dark moon and inward journey more fully. Find out more about me at my website - Sacred Journeys, or by joining my mini course Navigate the Darkness. Harness the Moon's Cycles available on this platform.

I have been running a deeply transformative course New Moon Magic for a year and am launching another year long immersive course beginning in March 2025 if you would like to join us, Moon Magic - A year of Lunar Wisdom. Get to know and feel the rhythm and cycles of the moon. Weave between the new and the full moon every month for a whole year. Reflect and release on the new moon, set intentions and emerge into your brightness and aliveness at full moon. Connecting with the zodiac wheel and archetypes of the signs.
Are you ready for inner transformation and to illuminate your own path?

Jo Pitcher

Working with the Womb Blessing energy (female energy awakening) has changed my life.  By registering online and regularly connecting in at home, or in a group, has helped me feel more balanced, more whole, more playful and more like the real me!  I smile more and I laugh more again and remember to take things more lightly

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

Worldwide Womb Blessing Circle


  • Join the Worldwide Womb Blessing circle for free. The blessing itself is free and this gathering is my gift to you. In service, Jo

    • Online guided blessing circle with meditation
    • Register to receive the full blessing attunement